All posts tagged: Health

Dr Thomas Lodi – The Miracle Doctor whose team reversed my mum’s Stage 4 Colon Cancer

When I knew about my mum’s terminal colon cancer condition, and then heard about Dr. Thomas Lodi who had helped many Stage 4 cancer patients achieve remission, I turned the web upside down for information on theg rod  and I couldn’t find much consolidated information about him. It is a good thing I knew someone whose Stage 4 liver cancer was reversed by Dr Lodi, or we might have missed this chance to save my mum. Why mainstream medical knowledge and statistics gave my mum a death sentence, while Doctor Lodi provided hope. My mum received 11 weeks of treatments under Dr Lodi’s team of Thai doctors (he is the consultant while the team of Thai doctors administer the treatment). After concluding the treatment, her CEA cancer markets dropped from 16.5 to 2 (already normal yay! As the reference range is 0-5). Yes,  I went home to Tan Tock Seng Hospital to check this out, and CEA cancer makers were also 2 in Singapore. So, I feel a need to share what i now know about Dr. Lodi …

Feeling Positive about Negative Ions – Negative Ion Clothes from Japan

Specific disclaimer for this post: Negative Ion Clothing is NOT a medical device, a cure, a therapeutic tool, or medication. Nefful products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and no warranty or representation is made in this post with regards to its ability to do so. This post is based on my own experience and personal research. You are advised to seek professional medical advice for your own health issues. To expose my mum to a high density of negative ions to enhance her self-healing abilities, I got my mum made-in-Japan negative ion clothes. These negative ion clothes have been around for ~60 years, and I cannot believe I never heard of them before this! I personally believe in the huge benefits of negative ions because within 1 month of exposing my mum constantly to 100,000-500,000 negative ions/ cc of air everyday, I saw her cancer markers drop from 22 to 16.5! That was before we made changes to her diet and lifestyle so wearing the negative ion clothes for negative ions …

A Tale of Coffee Enemas, Wheatgrass and Probiotic Implants – Cancer Treatment

“What? Why do we need to put coffee up her a**?” That was my first response the first time I learnt about coffee enemas and that I needed to do it for my mum, so I COMPLETELY understand your response if you are thinking the same thing. But hey, if it is going to help her recover from cancer and I won’t lose her in 6 months, I am trying it! History of Coffee Enemas An enema is “a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food.” Enema comes from the Greek en-hienai, meaning to “send or inject into.” The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, (1,500 B.C.) mentions it; the Pharaoh had a “guardian of the anus,” a special doctor one of whose purposes was to administer the royal enema. [1] During the  17th Century, it was common practice in Western society to enjoy as many as three or four enemas a day. It is recorded that King Louis XIII had more than …

Breathing and Pilates Class – Cancer Treatment

I have been practicing Pilates and Breathing exercises for a while in Singapore, but I was a little surprised initially to see that the clinic also incorporated these lifestyle elements into my mum’s treatment plans. The health benefits of exercise is irrefutable for all of us really. “We confirm that there is irrefutable evidence of the effectiveness of regular physical activity in the primary and secondary prevention of several chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity, depression and osteoporosis) and premature death…There appears to be a linear relation between physical activity and health status, such that a further increase in physical activity and fitness will lead to additional improvements in health status.” – -CMAJ, 2006 issue Exercise also helps to get more oxygen into my mum’s system so I definitely encourage all cancer patients to do some light exercises! My mum will probably enroll in Pilates and Taiji class when home to stay fit and healthy.

Insulin Potentiated Low Dose Chemo Therapy (IPT, IPLDT) – Cancer Treatment

Insulin Potentiated Low Dose Chemotherapy, also know as Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT), is not only one of the progressive ways to treat cancer, but perhaps one of the most unknown as well. Though I am no medical student, when IPT was first explained to me, it sounded extremely logical, and struck me as a much more effective and targeted way of killing cancer cells. My mum only felt slightly nauseous during her first IPT session though she didn’t throw up. But after they adjusted the anti-nausea IV dosage, she didn’t feel any  nausea at all or any other side effects throughout her 8 IPT sessions in 5 weeks. And amazingly, her cancer markers dropped steadily every week! All the medical information I will quote below are from Dr Lodi and Sensagent, both of whom gave me a very thorough scientific understanding of IPT. Why Insulin? All cells, including cancer cells, need glucose in order to produce the energy necessary for survival. Cancer cells have developed a very effective strategy (glycolysis or fermentation), to ensure they …

Event Invite: “Living Foods for Breakfast” Learning Session

I am so excited to be invited to the “Living Foods for Breakfast” Event! As I written in my previous entries, living raw food full of enzymes is very important for our health. So this is an opportunity to learn to make Raw, Living Foods – Juice, Smoothies, Ice Cream – for breakfast! Date: 28 Jun 2014 Time: 230-430pm Speaker: Jonathan, has been vegetarian for the last 16 years. He is a Healthy Lifestyle Ambassador with passion for juicing, living foods, fitness, yoga and natural healing. Location: Fit for Life Centre (Address in image below) Price: $10 for 1, $12 for 2 And only for all of you Eatprayflying followers, quote #eatprayflying when registering to receive 50% off the entrance fee. So RSVP ASAP at Fit for Life! Enjoy and be healthy 🙂

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) – Cancer Treatment

Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg, discovered that: “the root cause of cancer is too much acidity in the body, meaning that the pH, potential hydrogen, in the body is below the normal level of 7.365, which constitutes an “acidic” state. Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumours and the respiration of cells and discovered that cancer cells maintain and thrive in a lower pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. He firmly believed that there was a direct relationship between pH and oxygen. Higher pH, which is Alkaline, means higher concentration of oxygen molecules, while lower pH, which is acidic, means lower concentrations of oxygen…the same oxygen that is needed to maintain healthy cells.” – And since exercise is good for everyone, especially for cancer patients, to stimulate their lymphatic system, the clinic combined Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT). This is the treatment that allowed for the most dramatic physically observable improvement for my mum. When she started EWOT, the health educator, Mr Jack Cross, started with only 8 units …

Ozone Therapy – Cancer Treatment

Ozone therapy, also know as O3 therapy, has been used to disinfect and treat diseases for over 150 years. Ozone contains three oxygen molecules, while the oxygen commonly breathed contains two.  Ozone therefore, is considered an energized kind of oxygen. Since cancer breeds in de-oxygenated body environment,  ozone therapy helps to increase oxygen circulation and the body’s ability to process and use oxygen in tissues and organs. “Ozone is also believed to increase artery wall dilation and relaxation, reducing effect of clogged or blocked arteries. It is also believed to help stabilize the immune system, especially for people suffering from autoimmune or allergic conditions.” – You can find more on the scientific benefits here on the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine. Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg, discovered that: “the root cause of cancer is too much acidity in the body, meaning that the pH, potential hydrogen, in the body is below the normal level of 7.365, which constitutes an “acidic” state. Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumours and the respiration of cells and discovered that …

B17 Laetrile – Cancer Treatment

B17, also known as Laetrile or Amygdalin, is naturally found in apricot kennels and almond seeds. It is also a highly controversial cancer treatment, with some claiming B17 to cause cyanide poisoning, resulting it being banned in the US. The way I overcame the fear that my mum would be poisoned by cyanide was to understand how B17 would work against cancer cells. When a Laetrile or B17 molecule meets a cancer cell, it is broken down into 2 molecules of glucose, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 1 molecule of benzaldehyde. This reaction occurs much more readily with cancer cells rather than non-cancer cells because: B17 molecule can only be broken down by glucosidase, which is 3000 times more abundant in cancer cells than normal cells. B17 has 2 glucose molecules, and cancer cells have 10-19x more insulin receptors, making B17 molecules attractive to cancer cells. FYI – a PET scan works  on the same principle – Radioactive glucose is first injected, and is taken up first by cancer cells, which cause any area …

Vitamin C (Intravenous) – Cancer Treatments

Similar to what you are probably thinking now, I was highly skeptical that high dose intravenous (IV) Vitamin C could reverse cancer. We eat food with vitamin C everyday in our diets and supplements. If Vitamin C were so good, it would have prevented cancer from developing in the first place, right? And hospitals around the world should be using this method by now! But I decided to keep an open mind to research in scientific and medical papers on how Vitamin C works, and I am glad I did because I discovered from the National Cancer Institute that: “Vitamin C has been studied as a treatment for patients with cancer since the 1970s. A Scottish surgeon named Ewan Cameron worked with Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling to study the possible benefits of vitamin C therapy in clinical trials of cancer patients in the late 1970s and early 1980’s.” “Laboratory studies have shown the following: Treatment with high-dose vitamin C slowed the growth and spread of prostate, pancreatic, liver, colon, malignant mesothelioma, and other types of cancer cells. Combining …