All posts filed under: New Zealand

Sunset in New Zealand

Sunset with golden dust @ Te Wae Wae Bay, New Zealand We were just catching up on our recent honeymoon photos and I am really proud of this particular shot of N’s – unedited except for the watermark. Amazing beauty. So much I want to write and share and so little time! “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” —Psalm 19:1-4

Flying (literally) – Sky Diving Experience in Queenstown, New Zealand

No better way to start the travelogue than to talk above my recent skydiving experience during my honeymoon in New Zealand! I can’t even say skydiving is something I have always to do because.. it wasn’t. I used to look at pictures of people in the sky and think “I could never do it”. Then when we decided on New Zealand for honeymoon, I started praying and asking myself “Why not? Why do I think that I cannot skydive?”. I realized I didn’t know why I was scared… Was I afraid of dying if an accident happens? Was I afraid of heights? Was I afraid of my parachute not opening? What was it?? Then it hit me…. it was really the free fall section. I am till today scared of that rollercoaster-heart-in-the-air feeling. And i didn’t want to be free falling for 1 minute with that feeling. I honestly think that my heart would stop. So I continued to question myself…… How do I know I would get that feeling? So I watch youtube videos …