All posts tagged: Weight Loss

5 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight Naturally

Weight loss, weight maintenance, diets and every other synonym for keeping track of how much you weigh and its effect on your overall health makes up for a larger portion of your overall life than you might realize. Talk shows hawk cure-all products, pharmacy shelves are stocked with dozens of products that promise to blast away fat and melt away pounds, exercise routines rise and fall every few months and there’s always another diet trending that promises to help you bleed away excess weight. Some work, some don’t, but they all need to focus on one core concept: healthy eating habits. At its very core weight loss is the simple science of knowing how many calories your body needs and adjusting your eating habits to reflect that fact, but it’s not always as simple as eating a little less here and there. It’s not uncommon to have serious difficulties when it comes to finding an eating routine that doesn’t spiral out of control. If going cold turkey isn’t cutting it, there may still be hope yet with …

Lean Bento @ Arcade

It is one thing to see your friend lose 20 kg, and it is yet another to see her open a new Bento Bar – Lean Bento – concept to help others achieve what she has 🙂 First off, I love Lean Bento’s clean and simple Japanese-inspired design which stands out among the shops in the arcade. It is a great use of space to be able to accommodate the CBD lunch crowd! While still maintaining the 500 calories per meal philosophy, using responsibly sourced, pesticide-free and clean ingredients, owners Charles Ng and Dionis Chiua have, after many months of research and experimentation, developed a variety of new tastes, textures and flavors. Being a vegan, I was so glad to hear that Lean Bento serves the Protein Garden ($12.90) – an ultra-low-calorie bento featuring shitake and shimeji mushrooms, sweet baby corn, edamame and chickpea salad, capsicum, wakame salad, cherry tomatoes, multigrain nigiri and home-made shoyu zero-carb shirataki noodles. The meal didn’t fill me up like our regular meal with high carbs but it kept me full for long because of the high fibre content. My favourite …