III Café – Bring your Own Dog Café Review
As my parents were on a short trip, N and I brought Fluff out to explore pet friendly café. III café doesn’t have many food reviews even on their Facebook, but I decided to check it out and I am so glad I did! We are greeted by the middle sister; she and the other staff are incredibly patient (my dog took about 10 minutes to be coaxed up the steps) and friendly, explaining the menu both for humans and dogs meticulously! The food for humans is ordered at the counter above, while the dog food is ordered at the ‘Barkery Café’, serving pork balls, chicken balls, liver paté, muffins among other foods. The café is also comfortable and cosy. Tip: Go early and get the black cushion booth seats – they are so comfortable for both human and dogs alike. III Café is opened by 3 sisters and their logo is designed after a pitbull dog. The “III” represents the 3 sisters but the middle sister explains that they also want the café to stand …