All posts tagged: Monosodium Glutamate

Top 6 Food Ingredients that is making you sick… (and more likely to get Cancer)

Before my mum was diagnosed with cancer, I hardly read food labels. Because I struggled with my weight, the most I would do is to glance at the calories and fat levels before deciding on the purchase. Now that I am aware and actively checking ingredient lists, it shocks me how much potentially harmful ingredients I was ingesting without realizing. So I took a walk around a random supermarket in Singapore today to see common ingredients we should avoid to improve our health to share with all of you. And I hope you too, will start looking at food ingredient labels when purchasing food for yourself and your families.  1) Sugar (and refined sweeteners) If you have cancer, sugar in any form is a big no-no. All cells, including cancer cells, need glucose in order to produce the energy necessary for survival. Cancer cells have developed a very effective strategy (glycolysis or fermentation), to ensure they survive; they grow many extra insulin receptors – 10-19x more than regular cells – on their surfaces in order to …