Author: Cheng Nicholas

Itch No More: Causes and Remedies for Eczema in Young Children

If your little one suffers from eczema, all these will be very familiar to you — dry, flaky skin on the neck that sometimes itches to the point of bleeding, or sensitive redness and rashes on the elbow creases, backs of knees, and even around the mouth. You dread seeing your little one wake up on a bedsheet full of blood and flaky dead skin from the overnight scratching. These are symptoms of a common condition called eczema. Eczema in children is a common and prominent condition, affecting over 20% of Singaporean kids, from babies [1], to older school-going children [2]. We work with many parents who agonise over their child’s eczema to improve their quality of life. Today, we will be sharing how you can identify the type of eczema your little one (babies, toddlers, and children) may be suffering from, and what kinds of eczema treatment and remedies are available to you. What is Eczema and How to Identify Eczema According to the National Skin Centre, eczema refers to a group of conditions …