All posts tagged: Laetrile

B17 Laetrile – Cancer Treatment

B17, also known as Laetrile or Amygdalin, is naturally found in apricot kennels and almond seeds. It is also a highly controversial cancer treatment, with some claiming B17 to cause cyanide poisoning, resulting it being banned in the US. The way I overcame the fear that my mum would be poisoned by cyanide was to understand how B17 would work against cancer cells. When a Laetrile or B17 molecule meets a cancer cell, it is broken down into 2 molecules of glucose, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 1 molecule of benzaldehyde. This reaction occurs much more readily with cancer cells rather than non-cancer cells because: B17 molecule can only be broken down by glucosidase, which is 3000 times more abundant in cancer cells than normal cells. B17 has 2 glucose molecules, and cancer cells have 10-19x more insulin receptors, making B17 molecules attractive to cancer cells. FYI – a PET scan works  on the same principle – Radioactive glucose is first injected, and is taken up first by cancer cells, which cause any area …