All posts tagged: reliable

Top 7 Organic Produce Delivery Providers in Singapore

A lot of things have happened since the last update. To be honest, N & I chose not to keep to a 100% raw vegan diet for two reasons. One is that socially, it makes things very difficult when we dine out with our loved ones (of course, no longer an issue with Covid-19 induced circuit breaker) but we find that it created a lot of stress for our friends when deciding where to eat or what to cook for us. And two, perhaps my body has always been a ‘cold’ constitution from TCM point of view, so prolonged raw, vegan diet made me feel more tired over the very long term. However, we are still committed to staying healthy so I would say we are on a 80% vegetarian, organic/natural and as little processed foods diet! This has been the best balance for us both physically and mentally (otherwise, I become stressed trying to be a purist).  During this Circuit Breaker period at home, we have been on a hunt for fresh organic produce …