All posts tagged: Relationship

Redeemed Relationships

“Many of us do not enjoy the liberation of redeemed relationships because we are faking peace with one another because we lack the courage and conviction to expose our chronic condition of sin in our troubled relationships, marriages, families and, even, our Christian fellowships.” — Pastor Chris Chia Been reflecting on this point since Paul Tripp’s talk last week on how our Christian walks are all a community project. Of course, Pastor Chris has, as usual, summarized my thoughts more elegantly – we are sinful and need a trusted community to continually point out our sins and help us grow in godliness. It is ironic how we all know we need to be humble, yet, it’s so difficult to take feedback on our sins and opportunities. Even in secular work places, people generally agree that arrogance stands in the way of change that brings about growth and improvement. I, too, as a perfectionist-in-reform find it difficult to take feedback, especially when delivered harshly. I often brood over what people say to me for days even …