“What? Why do we need to put coffee up her a**?”
That was my first response the first time I learnt about coffee enemas and that I needed to do it for my mum, so I COMPLETELY understand your response if you are thinking the same thing. But hey, if it is going to help her recover from cancer and I won’t lose her in 6 months, I am trying it!
History of Coffee Enemas
An enema is “a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food.” Enema comes from the Greek en-hienai, meaning to “send or inject into.” The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, (1,500 B.C.) mentions it; the Pharaoh had a “guardian of the anus,” a special doctor one of whose purposes was to administer the royal enema. [1]
During the 17th Century, it was common practice in Western society to enjoy as many as three or four enemas a day. It is recorded that King Louis XIII had more than 200 enemas in one year. In December 1866, M.A. Cachot, MD, described successful use of a coffee enema to treat a child dying from an accidental poisoning in a case report in the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal. In World War I, it is also recorded that a nurse accidentally discovered coffee enemas can help to relieve pain. Until ~1972, the coffee enema procedure was listed in the famous Merck Manual, which is used as a handbook by physicians the world over.
At various times, medications, nutrients and other therapeutic substances have been administered via enemas. This is because the veins that line the colon wall are linked back to the liver via the portal vein. And hence, whatever is implanted into the colon is absorbed back quickly into the liver.
Why coffee? [2]
In 1981, for instance, Dr. Lee Wattenberg and his colleagues were able to show that
substances found in coffee — kahweol and cafestol palmitate — promote the activity of a key enzyme system, glutathione S-transferase, above the norm. This system detoxifies a vast array of electrophiles from the bloodstream and, according to GarHildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, “must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification.” This enzyme group is responsible for neutralizing free radicals. It is believed that kahweol and cafestol palmitate in coffee increase the liver’s production of glutathione by as much as 700%.
The coffee enema works by dilating the bile ducts. As stated by the editors of Physiological
Chemistry and Physics, “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.” Coffee travels through the left hemorrhoidal vein to the portal vein, which delivers the coffee to the liver.
The coffee enema is typically held for 15 to 20 minutes. As the liver filters all the blood in the body every 3-4 minutes, during these 15 to 20 minutes, all the blood cells of the body
experience detoxification. [3]
How to do a coffee enema?

Bottle to use for Saline Flush and Coffee Enema. But I think I will switch to a glass container when we are home to prevent BPA leakage into the enema.
Step 1: Do a saline flush
- I usually run anywhere between 500ml to 2L of water mixed with Himalayan Seasalt before doing coffee enema for my mum as a cleanse
- Ratio = 1L of water: 2 tablespoon of Himalayan Sea Salt
- Lubricate: Use coconut oil to lubricate tube, then insert around 3-4 inches of tube into rectum. I do this with the tap /clamp open to release any air.
- Close the tap/clamp
- Pour the water into the bottle and open tap/clamp slowly, especially for first timers. Rushing water into colon will stimulate peristalsis and then one won’t be able to hold the water in as long
- Remove tube when the person can no longer hold water
- Pass water out into the toilet
Step 2: Prepare the coffee
- Boil 1 tablespoon of coffee with 600ml of organic ground coffee in distilled/filtered/spring water, so usually I would end up with 500ml of coffee to use for 2 days. And it is better to make the coffee fresh to prevent oxidation.
- Boil for 10 minutes, then simmer for 10 minutes.
- Strain the coffee to get the liquid only. Cool to body temperature before use.
Step 3: Coffee Enema
- Can be done on floor or bed. Prepare a towel.
- Use a thick waterproof underpad in case of leakage
- Hang enema bottle from a knob (I use the door knob) and ensure that the bottle/bucket is hanging above the person so that there is enough pressure differential for the coffee to flow downwards into the pelvis/body.
- Lubricate: Use coconut oil to lubricate tube, then insert around 3-4 inches of tube into rectum. I do this with the tap /clamp open to release any air still in the tube.
- Close the tap/clamp
- Pour the coffee (250ml) into the bottle (you have to do this before inserting tube if you are doing it for yourself) and open tap/clamp slowly, especially for first timers, rushing coffee into colon will stimulate peristalsis and one then won’t be able to hold the coffee in as long
- Remove tube when the person can longer hold coffee
- Pass coffee out into the toilet after 20 minutes
- Store coffee in fridge to keep fresh, but take it out 1 hour before coffee enema to allow it to reach room/body temperature.
- Keep coffee in glass or ceramic container. Aluminium is not recommended as the metal can leach into coffee.
- For people sensitive to caffeine, it is best to do coffee enemas in the morning to prevent sleeplessness/overstimulation.
- If you use SA Wilson coffee beans, the coffee might turn green. Don’t be alarmed; it is normal. I confirmed it with the manufactures. Don’t pour it away and waste so much expensive organic coffee like I did!
- Be gentle when inserting tube, especially if the person has hemorrhoids. Do not push further if you feel resistance in case of injury.
- The above steps are for administering coffee enema for another person. You will have to adjust the steps if you are planning to do it for yourself.
You can find out more about benefits of coffee enema here as well!
Wheatgrass and Probiotic Implants
I am not done talking about shoving things up the a** yet 🙂 It is kind of weird even for me that I loved to DRINK coffee so much, but now I not only have stopped drinking coffee due to its acidity, I am blogging about coffee enemas!
Since the colon is so closely linked to the liver through the portal vein, we can leverage implants to quickly absorb nutrients into the body to enable detox.
Key benefits of wheatgrass:
- Powerful detoxifier – its enzymes and amino acids can protect us from carcinogens.
- Has 92 out of 102 possible minerals that are easily absorbed by the body
- Very alkalizing for the body and therefore, helps prevent cancer and many other health issues
- Relieves symptoms of anaemia
I am not a big fan of the taste of wheatgrass. The best I can do is a shot, so putting it as a implant works for me as the body can absorb the nutrients quickly without me having to drink it.
Another good implant is probiotics – to introduce good gut flora. I usually help my mum implant 20ml of water mixed with half teaspoon of organic probiotic powder.
I hope that was educational enough for you to try coffee enemas and implants on your own for optimal health!
The other complementary treatments my mum is undergoing for her cancer recovery (I will slowly write about each one as mum recovers!):
- Raw Diet, Vegan Diet and Juice Fast
- Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT)
- Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
- Nefful Negative Ion Clothings from Japan
- Saline Flush, Coffee Enema, Wheatgrass Implant, Probiotic Implant
- Vitamin C High Dose IV
- Vitamin B17
- Ozone Therapy
- Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT)
- Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)
- Breathing and Pilates Classes
[1] and [2] – Adapted from “The Royal Enema” by Dr. Ralph Moss, quoted from http://www.wellnesspathways.com/
[3] Healing Newsletter, #13, May-‐June, 1986
Feature photo credits: lolsnaps.com
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