All posts tagged: Health

3 Reasons why this Food Blogger turned Raw

I know you are already thinking “RABBIT FOOD” alert, but please stay with me! After sharing Top 3 Reasons I turned Vegan, I have decided to also share why I turned Raw. My first encounter with Raw Food is at Living Cafe and Deli in Singapore when I did a feature on it, but I quickly dismissed it and returned to my cooked food diet because I didn’t really understand the health benefits of eating Raw.  So before we even start, what is the definition of Raw Food? Raw, or uncooked, food is food that has not been heated above 47ºC. So what is the big deal about this Raw food? 1) Raw Food is full of energy, enzymes and nutrients that we destroy with cooking A picture speaks a thousand words – Food photographed with Kirlian Photography techniques shows the huge decrease in energy in the food when we cook. And when I thought hard, it made sense that we don’t put our flesh near fires, we don’t put our money near fires… we don’t put anything important …

3 Reasons why this Food Blogger turned Vegan

So, the super ironic thing is years ago, I dated someone who was a vegetarian. I remember an epic fight we had over an ant that died in his Memojazz pager.  Clearly, it was such a dramatic quarrel over an animal life that I remember it after soooo many years. And yet, after so many years, I found myself thrown on this path, on an even more “extreme” decision to not just be vegetarian, but to be vegan and 80% raw. Clearly, as a food blogger, I loved my meats – Hida beef in Takayama (still *swoon* when I think about that), Sashimi, Hainanese chicken rice…… but I have turned to veganism because of what I learnt about the impact our diets can have on our health, especially learning what my mum ate attributed to her getting Stage 4 Colon Cancer (btw, after 8 weeks on alternative treatments and 100% raw vegan diet without conventional chemo/radiation, her CEA cancer markers have dropped from 16.5 to 4.2! Thank God!). So as a new vegan convert, I …

Journey to Healthy Living – Part 2 – Colon Hydrotherapy

I have been embarking on a health living journey, with my mum who is battling Stage 4 Colon Cancer. My first entry spoke about Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) and today, I wanted to share my Colon HydroTherapy, more commonly known as colonics, experience. Did you know that 70% of our immune system comes from the gut and gastrointestinal tract? Well, neither did I till now. We require a healthy balance of good bacteria and ZERO toxins/parasites in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract to have a healthy functioning immune system? The need for Colon HydroTherapy (Colonics) roots from the belief that our diet has deviated so much from what our pre-historic ancestors used to eat (high fibre, nuts, raw vegetables), that our gastrointestinal tract cannot fully digest all the food we now eat, especially animal proteins. “The Hunzakuts are estimated to live, on average, to about 115 years old…[Their] diet consists of drinking glacier water, raw…and eat leafy green or root vegetables.” – As such, a lot of remnant food is stuck in the large intestine and rectum, causing …

Weight Loss – Update #1

After 40 days since my first step to healthy living and sustainable weight loss, I have had a few private queries on my progress. Since I promised to be publicly accountable, I have been to 9 Personal Training sessions, and lost about 3kg. It is still a longgggggggggg way to go from my fitness goals that I set over the next 2 years, but I feel great to be off to a good start in first 40 days despite having to do work travels in between. The small new habits I am have tried to form in last 40 days: 1) Exercising 5x/week – taking total of only 4 hours a week 2x Personal Training, more of resistance trainings (1 hour each) – new 2x Cardio (30 mins each) – already doing last 2 years 1x Pilates class (1 hour each)  – already doing last 2 years How I made time for the extra 2 hours of Personal Training was cutting down on social media and TV time. I sometimes catch up on my Social Media …

Confessing My Struggle – Weight Loss

Today, I started on a serious fitness journey that I have been thinking about for the last 2 years – starting my very first session with a personal trainer. Decided to get myself an early birthday present by investing in my health 🙂 My weight has been something I struggled with all my life. I was born a big baby, became overweight by primary school, was in TAF club, always one of those struggling to finish 2.4km in school, hated the NAFA test, got called “thunder thighs” by other girls in secondary school, crash dieted, tried many different weight loss methods but nothing has worked sustainably. I get THE stares from petite clothes salesgirls when I cannot fit Singapore XL sizes. I would eat lesser than my friends but they would lose weight while I would gain weight. It took me many years with God’s help through lots of prayers to overcome the hurt that some of my family and peers have intentionally/unintentionally said about my weight, or me being fat, or calling me names, …